
Dynamic conditions in advanced filtering

In Dynamics AX, filtering with dynamic criteria can be easily stored in advanced filters.
In each form, an advanced filter can be reached via the menu “File -> Edit -> Filter -> Advanced Filter / Sort” or the key combination “Ctrl + F3”.
The following expressions can, for example, be used for dynamic filter criteria:
day([days in the past or future]) e.g. Date of the current day + 1: (day(1))
dayRange([from days] to [days]) e.g. Date range from 7 days ago to today: (dayRange(-7,0))
yearRange([from year], [to year])
monthRange([from month], [month to month])
For example, with the following advanced filter, all shared products (Product Information Management -> Common -> Released Products) created by the current user in the last 7 days can be viewed:

dynamic filter for released products


In principle, all methods in the class “SysQueryRangeUtil” are applicable for dynamic filter criteria.
Additional filtering options are listed on TechNet under Advanced filtering and query options .

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