
Dynamics AX Public Preview available

The long expected preview of the new Dynamics AX Version is now available at the Microsoft Dynamics AX Launch Portal.
The former title Microsoft Dynamics AX ‘7’ was renamed to Microsoft Dynamics AX without version number or year number.
The Launch Portal shows many documents about what’s new in Dynamics AX and an instruction to the public preview since a few days:
Microsoft Dynamics AX Public Preview
To run the Dynamics AX test environment you’ll need a Office 365 account and an Azure account. After linking Dynamics AX-Preview with Office 365 you can find a connection to the Lifecycle Services under the menu “Dynamics Rainier Preview”.
You can choose between Azure or local Deployment to create a new Dynamics AX environment in Lifecycle Services .
AX 7 DeploymentOption
Both options will use Azure-AD authentification to access Dynamics AX.
A detailled description about creating a Dynamics AX environment can be found here:
Sign up for a Microsoft Dynamics ‘AX 7’ subscription

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