
Customer Order from the Online Shop Channel in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce

In this day and age, an online shop is an indispensable part of the world. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce provides a rich spectrum to create, manage, and synchronize an online store channel.


Synchronize and book order intake from the online shop channel

Online sales and payments are posted in two steps:

  • Retrieve online commerce transaction data at headquarters
  • Synchronization of orders to create sales orders in the headquarters

To illustrate the steps, let’s take the following example:

In the online shop of “Fabrikam” an item is placed in the basked and then paid by card.




After the purchase order is completed, the order can be retrieved from the headquarters in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce.

The following methods for retrieving the online commerce transaction data are available:


RTS: Real-time service. The real-time service can be used to interact with commerce functionality in real time.

Async: Asynchronous mode – Retrieval by P-jobs.
In the headquarters, the transaction data can be retrieved by running a P-job. Go to Retail and Commerce > Retail and Commerce IT > Distribution schedule. Then select P-0001 and customize the channel database group as needed. After clicking Run Now, the job starts.



The P-Job can also be run via a batch process and run every 5-10 minutes, depending on the interval setting.


Synchronize orders to create sales orders at Headquarters

The job synchronization is then performed. This can be done manually by the Synchronize orders Job, or by creating a recurring batch job.

In Retail and Commerce > Retail and Commerce IT > Products and Inventory > Synchronize orders, one or more affected channels are selected for synchronization.

In this example, it is the “Fabrikam extended online store” channel.



After the P-job has been executed and the orders from the online shop have been synchronized, all transactions in the online shop as well as created customer orders can be viewed.

To retrieve all online store transactions in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce, go to Retail and Commerce > Inquiries and reports > Online store transactions.

Setting a filter makes it easier to find a specific sales order or channel.

The following is the posting of the sample sales order.



The sales order from the online shop can be found under the module Retail and Commerce > Inquiries and Reports > Sales Orders.



The following figure shows the example sales order from the online shop “Fabrikam” described at the beginning.


Click here for more information about Microsoft E-Commerce.

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